2023 Winter Autocross (CSCC)

2023 Winter Autocross (CSCC)

Event: Winter Autocross @ Rocky Mountain Motorsports

New for 2023, the Calgary Sports Car Club (CSCC) hosted the first Winter Autocross event at Rocky Mountain Motorsports (RMM). It is the first Winter Autocross event in Calgary since the Race City days - over 10 years ago!
Cole assisted in course set-up, and Kyle designed the drive-through registration and check in system. He was also practicing his career as an uber driver, taking new people around the block to show them the ropes.
Our teammates Denney, Sami, Julien, and Kiefer also got their first taste of performance driving on loose surfaces, and getting their cars dirty… and our boy Track Jesus was nice enough to let Mark Terrio-Cameron beat him in in the final event, and therefore allow his co-driver Rob Jackett to finish first in the class, and TJ second!... But at the same time, TJ finished ahead of Rob in overall... Math is crazy sometimes!

Check out more highlights here:

Video: "Track video" & Album: "From Rallysport.ca"


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